Friday, November 11, 2016

Who's who at our favorite zoo?

There's a lot to love about a zoo as busy as ours. On average, we see about 3,200 visitors a week. So it's only natural that there's a few exhibits that happen to be Zooligan favorites. We've put together a list of the top five favorite places to be at Zoo Mark.

5. The Toucan Towers. This doesn't really surprise us, since we know our Toucans are bright, smart, and...chatty. Sometimes too much so. No whisper is safe from Tyga's ears; she once repeated a dad's little secret about a surprise Backstage Paw Pass for the whole crowd to hear. Including his twins. Whoops, sorry dad!

4. Manatee Bay. These easygoing, gentle giants are pretty laid back and don't mind hanging out for photo opps and the wayward treat, so it's only natural that these guys are the stars of their own show.

3. Gorilla Mountain and Panda Pagoda tied for the number three spot on our countdown to number one. Gorillas are playful and curious, making them super popular with our younger zooligans looking for a new friend and playmate through the glass. Our Matriarch, Tur, took part in our Zooligans Read program a couple weeks ago, and she was the perfect hostess. And who doesn't love pandas? their playful antics are always fun to watch.

2. Tiger Tundra. We love every animal here at the zoo, but the tigers hold an extra special place in our heart since we're working so hard to rebuild the population and protect them from extinction. This year we were excited to welcome a new member to our tiger clan. She's doing well, and we love her to pieces, so the fact that you guys love them as much as we do is super special to us.

1. Rock-a-Bye Nursery is by far our most popular stop, and who can blame you? Our state-of-the-art nursery is home to a dozen or so babies at any given time, growing big and strong until they can rejoin their families in the habitats we've created to make them as close to home in the wild as we can. Our babies are monitored closely by highly skilled staff to ensure that they stay on track developmentally and can be safely transitioned back to their families without becoming to reliant on their human nurses. As much as we love them, we know that their best chance is with their own kind.

Well, that's a wrap on this year's top five list. Be sure to stop in and see us, and keep up to date on zoo happenings through our Facebook and twitter accounts linked to the right. ==>

Check out our special commercial tribute to military animals in honor of Veteran's Day, right here: Zoo Mark Military Animal Commercial


  1. This was a superior blog posting. Maybe the best one I have read so far. I would have like the commercial and the blog to be closer tied together however. I didn't see any grammar errors.

  2. Totally in love. The only critique I have is you should have bolded the number and title for each. That would have added the pop needed. Otherwise, perfect.
